Alex Woods, an intelligent but socially awkward teenager, forms an unlikely bond with a reclusive elderly man, Mr. Peterson. Together, they embark on a journey filled with humor, philosophical questions, and heart-wrenching moments. As Alex confronts life-altering moral dilemmas, the novel examines themes of friendship, mortality, and the courage to stand up for what you believe in. Infused with wit and poignancy, the story highlights the beauty of human connections and the resilience of the human spirit. Reviews “A unique blend of humor and poignancy, this book is a gem.” – The Independent “Extence weaves a story that is both heartwarming and deeply philosophical.” – The Guardian “An uplifting and thought-provoking novel that lingers in your mind.” – Publisher’s Weekly
Book Title: The Universe Versus Alex Woods - Gavin ExtenceBook Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Coming Of Age, Realistic Fiction, Book Club, Humor, British LiteratureISBN: 9781473622661Number of Pages: 423Publishing Date: May 21, 2013Cover Type: Paperback