"The Sleep of Reason" is a gripping and atmospheric thriller set in 19th-century Spain during the Peninsular War. The story follows the enigmatic detective, Jon de la Vega, as he investigates a series of mysterious deaths that seem to be connected to a larger, dark conspiracy. As de la Vega delves deeper into the case, he uncovers disturbing truths about the war, betrayal, and the human psyche, all while navigating a treacherous political landscape. The novel combines historical detail with suspenseful plotting to create a compelling and immersive reading experience. Reviews Historical Novel Society: "Mark Rowley’s 'The Sleep of Reason' stands out as a meticulously researched historical thriller that blends historical detail with gripping suspense. Rowley’s portrayal of 19th-century Spain is vivid and immersive, and his detective character is both compelling and well-developed. A must-read for fans of historical mysteries." BookPage: "Rowley’s novel is a riveting blend of historical fiction and mystery. 'The Sleep of Reason' captures the tension and intrigue of the Peninsular War era, and Rowley’s skillful storytelling keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The novel’s richly drawn characters and intricate plot make it a standout in the genre."
Book Title: The Sleep of Reason - Mark Rowley, David DerbyshireBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Thriller/Mystery, Detective Fiction, Psychological ThrillerISBN: 9781800310124Number of Pages: 288Publishing Date: April 4, 2022Cover Type: Paperback