"The Roommate" is the first book in Rosie Danan's Shameless romance series. It follows Clara Wheaton, a privileged socialite, who moves cross-country on a whim, only to find herself sharing a lease with Josh, a charming stranger who is a well-known performer in the adult entertainment industry. Their unlikely partnership leads to a business venture aiming to destigmatize female desire, resulting in a steamy and humorous romance. As Clara and Josh navigate their differences and confront societal expectations, they develop a deep connection that challenges their preconceptions about love and intimacy. Reviews "The Roommate is a refreshingly sex-positive romance that celebrates female desire and agency. Rosie Danan's voice is bold, funny, and utterly captivating." - New York Times bestselling author Lauren Layne "Rosie Danan's debut is a revelation - a smart, sexy, and surprisingly tender story that celebrates female pleasure and challenges societal double standards. I couldn't put it down!" - Evie Dunmore, author of A Rogue of One's Own "The Roommate is a revelation - a smart, sexy, and surprisingly tender story that celebrates female pleasure and challenges societal double standards. Rosie Danan is a bold new voice in romance." - Evie Dunmore, author of A Rogue of One's Own
Book Title: The Roommate - Rosie DananBook Genre: Contemporary Romance, Chick Lit, Adult Fiction, HumourISBN: 9780349427522Number of Pages: 315Publishing Date: September 15, 2020 Cover Type: Paperback