A father and son traverse a post-apocalyptic landscape, struggling to survive in a world ravaged by an unspecified catastrophe. Their journey along the road is fraught with danger as they encounter hostile survivors, scarce resources, and the remnants of humanity’s downfall. The Road is a harrowing and profoundly moving meditation on survival, love, and the enduring bond between a parent and child. Reviews "A masterpiece of modern literature—both devastating and transcendent." — The New York Times "McCarthy’s stark prose and haunting vision are unparalleled." — The Guardian "A novel that redefines the limits of storytelling." — The Washington Post "One of the most powerful and moving books of our time." — Los Angeles Times
Book Title: The Road - Cormac McCarthyBook Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopia, Post Apocalyptic, Horror, Apocalyptic, ContemporaryISBN: 9780330513005Number of Pages: 307Publishing Date: September 26, 2006Cover Type: Paperback