"The Other Mother" by Michel Bussi is a gripping psychological thriller set on the picturesque island of Réunion. The story follows three women whose lives become entangled in a web of secrets, lies, and deceit. When Liane Bellion goes missing from her hotel room, her husband Martial becomes the prime suspect. As the investigation unfolds, Martial and his daughter take flight, leading to a tense and dramatic pursuit. The novel weaves together themes of motherhood, identity, and the lengths one will go to protect their loved ones, with Bussi's signature style of unexpected twists and intricate plotting. Reviews Publishers Weekly: "Michel Bussi’s 'The Other Mother' is a masterclass in suspense. The novel’s setting on the island of Réunion adds an exotic and atmospheric backdrop to a tightly wound plot. Bussi expertly keeps readers on the edge of their seats with a story that is as unpredictable as it is compelling. The characters are well-drawn and the revelations are perfectly timed, making this a must-read for thriller enthusiasts." Kirkus Reviews: "'The Other Mother' by Michel Bussi is a brilliantly crafted psychological thriller. Bussi’s ability to create tension and suspense is unparalleled, and his intricate plotting keeps readers guessing until the very end. The novel’s exploration of motherhood and identity adds depth to the story, making it both thought-provoking and thrilling."
Book Title: The Other Mother - Michel BussiBook Genre: Crime, Mystery Thriller, Roman, Detective, French Literature, SuspenseISBN: 9781474606714Number of Pages: 448Publishing Date: April 1, 2021 Cover Type: Hardcover