"The Late Train to Gipsy Hill" is a gripping thriller by Alan Johnson. The novel follows Gary Nelson, a young man who finds himself caught in a web of espionage and danger after a chance encounter on a train. As he becomes entangled with Russian spies and MI5 agents, Gary must navigate a perilous journey to uncover the truth and protect his own life. The novel is a fast-paced and engaging read that combines elements of classic spy fiction with modern-day twists. Reviews The Guardian: "A compelling and well-crafted thriller. Johnson's debut novel is a testament to his storytelling prowess." The Times: "A thrilling ride from start to finish. 'The Late Train to Gipsy Hill' is a must-read for fans of espionage fiction." Financial Times: "Alan Johnson delivers a sharp and engaging thriller. The novel's pace and intrigue make it hard to put down."
Book Title: The Late Train to Gipsy Hill - Alan JohnsonBook Genre: Mystery, Espionage, ThrillerISBN: 9781472286147Number of Pages: 352Publishing Date: September 2, 2021Cover Type: Paperback