"The Last Blade Priest" by W.P. Wiles is an award-winning epic fantasy novel that weaves a tale of betrayal, conspiracy, and struggle. The story centers on Inar, a Master Builder forced to serve and spy for his kingdom's conquerors, and Anton, a Blade Priest grappling with a halted tradition of human sacrifice amid an unfolding occult conspiracy. As their worlds collide through unexpected twists, both characters find themselves ensnared in a web of intrigue that tests their loyalties and morals against a backdrop of rich, immersive world-building. Reviews “From beginning to end, Wiles combines vivid landscape writing and rich characterisation to powerful effect. The result is epic in every sense: The Last Blade Priest is a refreshing, subversive and wonderfully realised fantasy novel.” – M.T. Hill, author of The Breach “A novel of marvellous scope and inventiveness: fantasy is rarely as smart, immersive or scintillant as this.” – Adam Roberts, author of The Thing Itself
Book Title: The Last Blade Priest - WP WilesBook Genre: High Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Adult, Science Fiction Fantasy ISBN: 9780857669827Number of Pages: 520Publishing Date: 12th July 2022Cover Type: Paperback