Set in early 19th-century Charleston, The Invention of Wings follows the intertwined lives of Sarah Grimké, the daughter of a wealthy family, and Handful, a young enslaved girl given to Sarah as a birthday gift. Inspired by the true story of the Grimké sisters, the novel explores themes of freedom, oppression, and the search for identity. Spanning 35 years, this deeply moving story illuminates the struggle for justice and equality in a divided America. Reviews "A profound and moving novel that challenges and inspires." — Oprah’s Book Club "Sue Monk Kidd weaves a tale of courage and hope that lingers long after the last page." — USA Today "A luminous and powerful story of friendship and defiance." — The New York Times "Kidd’s exploration of freedom and human dignity is masterful." — Booklist
Book Title: The Invention of Wings - Sue Monk KiddBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Book Club, Literary Fiction, African AmericanISBN: 9781472212771Number of Pages: 437Publishing Date: January 7, 2014Cover Type: Paperback