"The Impulse Purchase" by Veronica Henry is a heartwarming novel that follows three generations of women—Cherry, Maggie, and Rose—as they come together to restore a dilapidated pub in the Somerset village of Rushbrook. The story delves into their personal journeys of love, hope, and renewal, each woman bringing her unique strengths to breathe new life into the pub and their own lives. It’s a tale of family bonds, community spirit, and the beauty of second chances. Reviews "'The Impulse Purchase' is a delightful and uplifting read that celebrates the power of taking chances and embracing the unexpected. Veronica Henry's masterful storytelling will have you enchanted from the very first page." - Bestselling Author Jill Mansell "Warm, witty, and wonderfully written, 'The Impulse Purchase' is a charming tale of self-discovery, community, and the transformative magic that can happen when we dare to step outside our comfort zones. Veronica Henry has crafted a true gem of a novel." - Glamour Magazine
Book Title: The Impulse Purchase - Veronica HenryBook Genre: Chick Lit, Contemporary, Romance, British Literature, Adult, Womens FictionISBN: 9781398706163Number of Pages: 368Publishing Date: February 3, 2022Cover Type: Hardcover