"The Gray Man" by Mark Greaney is a high-octane thriller that introduces Court Gentry, an elite assassin known as the Gray Man. Gentry is a shadowy figure, a legend in the covert world of assassins. Betrayed by his handlers at the CIA, he becomes the target of a massive manhunt orchestrated by international forces. As he traverses Europe, Gentry must use all his skills to stay one step ahead of those who want him dead. The novel is a relentless chase full of action, intrigue, and survival against impossible odds. Reviews Publishers Weekly: "Mark Greaney's 'The Gray Man' is a pulse-pounding thriller that introduces readers to one of the most lethal and compelling protagonists in the genre. The novel's non-stop action and intricate plotting make it a must-read for fans of espionage and high-stakes suspense." Kirkus Reviews: "'The Gray Man' is a masterclass in the thriller genre. Greaney's debut novel is a relentless, action-packed ride that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Court Gentry is a fascinating character, and his journey is both thrilling and captivating. A superbly crafted tale of espionage and survival." Booklist: "With 'The Gray Man,' Mark Greaney delivers an electrifying and expertly paced thriller. The novel's combination of intense action, sharp plotting, and a deeply intriguing protagonist sets it apart. Greaney's ability to keep the tension high from start to finish makes this a standout in the thriller genre."
Book Title: The Gray Man - Mark GreaneyBook Genre: Action, Espionage, Mystery Thriller, Suspense, Crime, Spy ThrillerISBN: 9780751550252Number of Pages: 416Publishing Date: October 9, 2014Cover Type: Paperback