"The Cut" by Chris Brookmyre is a gripping thriller that revolves around Millicent Spark, an ex-con and former film student, and Jerry Kelly, a young film journalist. Millicent has spent the last 25 years in prison for a murder she didn't commit. Upon her release, she teams up with Jerry to uncover the truth behind the crime that ruined her life. As they delve into the dark underbelly of the film industry and their own pasts, they unravel a conspiracy that is more sinister than they could have imagined. Reviews The Guardian: "Chris Brookmyre's 'The Cut' is a masterful blend of suspense and intrigue, delving into the dark heart of the film industry. The characters are richly drawn, and the plot twists keep readers on the edge of their seats. A compelling read that explores the price of truth and justice." Publishers Weekly: "In 'The Cut,' Chris Brookmyre crafts a thrilling narrative filled with unexpected twists and deep character insights. Millicent Spark's journey from ex-con to investigator is both riveting and emotionally charged. Brookmyre's exploration of the film industry's underbelly adds a unique and fascinating layer to this must-read thriller." Kirkus Reviews: "Brookmyre delivers a taut, high-stakes thriller with 'The Cut.' The dynamic between Millicent and Jerry provides a strong emotional core, while the conspiracy they uncover adds layers of suspense and excitement. This novel is a tour de force of intricate plotting and engaging storytelling."
Book Title: The Cut - Chris BrookmyreBook Genre: Crime, Scotland, Suspense, Mystery Thriller, Humor, ContemporaryISBN: 9780349143842Number of Pages: 416Publishing Date: December 13, 2022Cover Type: Paperback