In the sequel to "Daughter of the Moon Goddess," Xingyin's peaceful life is disrupted by strange magic on the moon and the oppressive rule of the emperor. Forced to flee, she journeys to unexplored lands, facing mythical creatures and shifting alliances. As a devastating evil threatens everything she loves, Xingyin must uncover her true strength and make sacrifices to save her realm. This captivating tale concludes the epic story of love, sacrifice, and hope, steeped in Chinese mythology. Reviews 'Sue Lynn Tan has written a breathtaking debut novel that will sweep readers away to the moon and back. I can't remember the last time a book surprised and delighted me as much as this one. Epic, romantic, and enthralling from start to finish. I love this book.' - Stephanie Garber 'This vivid, unputdownable debut effortlessly whisks us into the celestial realms of Chinese high fantasy. Tan magnificently conjures the romantic yet dangerous dazzle of this immortal world but never loses track of the shining human heart of her tale. A captivating treat for lovers of Chinese fantasy dramas and newcomers alike.' - Shelley Parker-Chan, bestselling author of She Who Became the Sun
Book Title: The Celestial Kingdom Duology (2) — HEART OF THE SUN WARRIOR- Sue Lynn Tan (Asian Author)Book Genre: Science Fiction, FantasyISBN: 9780008479381Number of Pages: 480Publishing Date: 31st August 2023Cover Type: Paperback