Take My Hand is a powerful historical novel inspired by true events. Set in the 1970s, it follows Civil Townsend, a young nurse who becomes involved in a case of medical malpractice when two young Black girls are forcibly sterilized under a government program. As Civil grapples with her complicity in the injustice, she embarks on a journey to seek justice for the girls. The book addresses the intersection of race, class, and systemic oppression while offering a poignant look at courage and redemption. Reviews BookPage: "An emotionally resonant and deeply important story that sheds light on a chapter of American history that demands remembrance." The Guardian: "Perkins-Valdez crafts a timely, urgent narrative, weaving historical detail and character development to create a compelling read." Publishers Weekly: "A searing, unforgettable novel that highlights the importance of personal agency in the fight for justice."
Book Title: Take My Hand by Dolen Perkins-ValdezBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Literacy FictionISBN: 9781474622691Number of Pages: 359Publishing Date: May 1, 2023Cover Type: Paperback