"Six Years" by Harlan Coben is a compelling thriller that follows Jake Fisher, who has spent the past six years mourning the love of his life, Natalie, after she married another man. When Jake learns of her husband's death, he attends the funeral, hoping to catch a glimpse of Natalie. However, the widow at the funeral is not her. Confused and determined to uncover the truth, Jake embarks on a relentless quest to find Natalie, leading him into a dangerous web of secrets, lies, and deception that challenge everything he thought he knew. Reviews Publishers Weekly: "In 'Six Years,' Harlan Coben masterfully combines suspense and emotion in a gripping narrative. The novel's twists and turns keep readers on the edge of their seats, while Jake Fisher's relentless search for the truth provides a deeply engaging and emotional core. Coben's skillful storytelling makes this a standout thriller." Kirkus Reviews: "'Six Years' is a brilliantly executed thriller that showcases Harlan Coben's unparalleled talent for creating tension and suspense. The novel's intricate plot and well-developed characters draw readers in from the first page. Coben's ability to intertwine personal drama with a high-stakes mystery ensures that 'Six Years' is both heart-wrenching and thrilling."
Book Title: Six Years - Harlan CobenBook Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Crime, Adult, Romance, ContemporaryISBN: 9781409103943Number of Pages: 358Publishing Date: February 27, 2014 Cover Type: Paperback