Set in 1980s Atlanta, Silver Sparrow tells the story of two sisters, Dana and Chaurisse, who share the same father but grow up in very different circumstances. Dana knows her father, James Witherspoon, as a loving and present figure, while Chaurisse is unaware that she and her mother are part of the man’s secret life. The novel explores themes of family, betrayal, and the complexities of love and identity as the two girls' worlds unexpectedly collide. Jones masterfully explores the consequences of a father’s secrets, and the price of loyalty, truth, and forgiveness. Reviews “Jones explores the complexities of familial love with a tenderness and emotional intelligence that makes her characters come alive. The novel is a story of secrets, love, and betrayal, all wrapped in an intricately woven narrative.” – The New York Times Book Review “A beautifully written, quietly devastating story that is poignant, reflective, and illuminating. Silver Sparrow speaks to the quiet but essential ways in which family and identity shape our lives, and how the truth can both divide and unite.” – Kirkus Reviews “Jones does an excellent job of creating a sense of emotional depth within her characters. This novel is about more than just family secrets—it’s about identity, resilience, and the sacrifices we make for those we love.” – BookPage
Book Title: Silver Sparrow - Tayari JonesBook Genre: Historical Fiction, African, Coming of AgeISBN: 9781786078629Number of Pages: 353Publishing Date: May 24, 2011Cover Type: Paperback