Set in a small town, Saving Winslow tells the poignant story of Louie, a boy with a big heart, and Winslow, the fragile donkey he’s determined to save. Through their journey, Louie navigates self-doubt, friendships, and the trials of growing up. With gentle prose and a deeply empathetic narrative, Creech crafts a tale that celebrates small triumphs and the bonds between humans and animals. Reviews “A sweet, simple story with a big heart. Sharon Creech’s talent for emotional storytelling shines.” — Kirkus Reviews “Saving Winslow is a gentle reminder of the resilience of both children and animals.” — School Library Journal “Creech delivers another gem—a touching story of hope and perseverance that will resonate with all ages.” — Publishers Weekly
Book Title: Saving Winslow - Sharon Creech Book Genre: Kids BooksISBN: 9781913101145Number of Pages: 160Publishing Date: September 11, 2018Cover Type: Hardcover