"Ruin's Wake" is a sweeping, dystopian science fiction novel set in a future where an oppressive regime controls every aspect of life. The story follows three characters: a historian who uncovers a secret that could destabilize the government, a grieving widow who joins a resistance movement, and a soldier who begins to question his loyalty. As their paths converge, they each play a role in a larger struggle for freedom and truth in a world where dissent is brutally suppressed. Reviews SFX Magazine: "Edwards crafts a darkly compelling narrative with vivid world-building and multifaceted characters. 'Ruin's Wake' is a thought-provoking read that delves into the nature of power and resistance." The Sci-Fi Bulletin: "A gripping tale of rebellion and discovery. Edwards' debut is an ambitious and engaging exploration of a society on the brink of change." Starburst Magazine: "With its complex characters and intricate plot, 'Ruin's Wake' is a standout in contemporary dystopian fiction. Edwards combines political commentary with personal drama to great effect."
Book Title: Ruin's Wake - Patrick EdwardsBook Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopia, Post ApocalypticISBN: 9781785658792Number of Pages: 408Publishing Date: March 12, 2019Cover Type: Paperback