In this provocative and deeply unsettling debut, Vanessa Wye reflects on her relationship as a teenager with her teacher, Jacob Strane, which she believed to be consensual. As an adult, Vanessa begins to question her perception of their bond amid growing accusations of abuse against Strane. My Dark Vanessa challenges societal narratives about victimhood, power, and agency. Reviews "A gut-wrenching exploration of power dynamics and the scars left behind." — The New York Times "Unflinchingly bold and painfully necessary." — The Washington Post "Russell’s writing is devastating and precise, creating an unforgettable protagonist." — The Guardian
Book Title: My Dark Vanessa - Kate Elizabeth RussellBook Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Mental Health, Literary Fiction, Dark, Thriller, AbuseISBN: 9780008342241Number of Pages: 384Publishing Date: March 10, 2020Cover Type: Hardcover