In Mother Mother, the story revolves around a family that appears outwardly perfect but is slowly revealed to be unraveling beneath the surface. The novel follows the life of a woman named Maeve, who is struggling to balance her career, her relationship with her husband, and her relationship with her children. However, as the cracks in the facade begin to show, Maeve’s past—and the lies she’s been telling herself—begin to threaten everything she’s worked for. The novel paints an intense portrait of motherhood, mental health, and the limits of what can be hidden from loved ones. Reviews "A tense, dark psychological thriller that unpacks the pressures of family life and the lies we live. Mother Mother is a powerful debut from Annie Macmanus, filled with twists and revelations." — The Independent "Macmanus’ debut novel is an emotionally charged, compelling read. The intricate portrayal of maternal love, guilt, and self-deception will resonate with fans of family dramas that explore the complexities of mental health." — The Guardian "With Mother Mother, Annie Macmanus demonstrates that she’s just as skilled with words as she is with music. Her sharp writing pulls the reader into a world of secrets, lies, and a mother's overwhelming responsibility to protect her children." — Good Housekeeping
Book Title: Mother Mother - Annie MacmanusBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Irish Literature, Mental Health, Ireland, Contemporary, DarkISBN: 9781472275882Number of Pages: 352Publishing Date: May 27, 2021Cover Type: Paperback