"Lean Fall Stand" is a powerful and evocative novel that examines the aftermath of a catastrophic event and its impact on the lives of those involved. The story centers on Robert "Doc" Wright, a seasoned researcher who experiences a life-altering accident during an Antarctic expedition. As he grapples with the physical and emotional consequences of the incident, his family and colleagues must also navigate the profound changes it brings. McGregor’s lyrical prose and nuanced storytelling create a deeply moving narrative that explores themes of resilience, recovery, and the enduring strength of human connections. Reviews Kirkus Reviews: "McGregor’s 'Lean Fall Stand' is a beautifully written and emotionally powerful exploration of resilience and recovery. The novel’s lyrical prose and nuanced characters make it a deeply moving and unforgettable read." Publishers Weekly: "A masterful and evocative novel, 'Lean Fall Stand' captivates with its rich character development and poignant storytelling. McGregor’s exploration of the aftermath of a catastrophic event is both compelling and heart-wrenching." BookPage: "Jon McGregor delivers a powerful and moving narrative in 'Lean Fall Stand.' The novel’s exploration of resilience, recovery, and human connections is both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant."
Book Title: Lean Fall Stand - Jon McGregorBook Genre: Contemporary, Literary Fiction, British Literature, Adventure, Family, Adult Fiction, Mystery ThrillerISBN: 9780008204907Number of Pages: 288Publishing Date: April 29, 2021Cover Type: Hardcover