"Inheritance" by Jenny Eclair is a gripping and emotional novel that delves into the complexities of family dynamics and secrets. It centers around the patriarchal house of the Tarrant family, situated in Cornwall. The story unravels through multiple generations, revealing hidden truths and unresolved tensions that arise after a tragic accident. The narrative shifts between the past and the present, exploring how the inheritance of both wealth and secrets shapes the lives of the family members. Reviews "A deeply moving and intricately woven tale of family secrets and the lasting impact of the past." – The Guardian "Jenny Eclair masterfully captures the complexities of familial relationships and the weight of inherited legacies." – The Times "Inheritance is a beautifully written, emotionally charged novel that will resonate with anyone who has grappled with their family history." – Daily Mail
Book Title: Inheritance - Jenny EclairBook Genre: Comedy, Contemporary, Historical FictionISBN: 9780751567038Number of Pages: 320Publishing Date: February 20, 2020Cover Type: Paperback