"Hope & Glory" is a sweeping historical novel by Jendella Benson that follows the lives of three generations of a British West Indian family across the 20th century. The story begins in 1931 Jamaica, where a young woman named Glory makes the difficult decision to leave her home and travel to London in search of a better life. As Glory and her family navigate the challenges of immigration, war, and social upheaval, the novel explores themes of identity, belonging, and the resilience of the human spirit. Through richly drawn characters and vivid historical detail, "Hope & Glory" offers a poignant exploration of the immigrant experience and the profound impact of generational trauma and healing. Reviews Kirkus Reviews - Hope & Glory is praised for its authentic portrayal of family dynamics under strain, filled with humor and profound moments. The characters and their relationships feel deeply real, making for a compelling read. Publishers Weekly - The novel is described as a sumptuous meditation on family and the meaning of home, highlighting the challenges faced by immigrants and the complexities of familial love and conflict. Fiction and Flights - The review highlights how relatable the themes are for those familiar with Nigerian culture, particularly the dynamic between traditional values and modern life. It commends the book for its honest depiction of family struggles and the impact of unspoken past traumas.
Book Title: Hope & Glory - Jendella BensonBook Genre: Contemporary, Literary Fiction, Family, Adult Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Romance, British LiteratureISBN: 9781398702295Number of Pages: 400Publishing Date: April 7, 2022Cover Type: Hardcover