"GODSPEED" is a gripping and intense novel that delves into the dark side of ambition and the lengths people will go to achieve their dreams. Set in Wyoming, the story follows three friends and business partners who take on a high-stakes construction project for a mysterious and wealthy client. As they strive to meet an impossible deadline, the pressures and moral compromises begin to unravel their lives and friendships. Butler's compelling narrative and richly drawn characters create a tense and thought-provoking exploration of human ambition, greed, and the cost of success. Reviews Kirkus Reviews: "Butler’s 'GODSPEED' is a riveting exploration of ambition and its consequences. The novel’s tense narrative and complex characters make it a compelling and thought-provoking read." Publishers Weekly: "A powerful and suspenseful novel, 'GODSPEED' delves into the dark side of ambition with unflinching honesty. Butler’s richly drawn characters and gripping storyline make this a standout in contemporary fiction." BookPage: "Nickolas Butler delivers a tense and thought-provoking narrative in 'GODSPEED.' The novel’s exploration of ambition, greed, and the cost of success is both compelling and haunting."
Book Title: GODSPEED - Nickolas ButlerBook Genre: Suspense, Contemporary, Mystery Thriller, Americana, Spirituality, DramaISBN: 9780571362974Number of Pages: 333Publishing Date: July 27, 2021Cover Type: Paperback