Fyneshade by Kate Griffin is an immersive urban fantasy novel set in a hidden magical world within a bustling city. The story follows Tamsin, who discovers Fyneshade, a forgotten realm of ancient magic. As she explores, she uncovers secrets that threaten the balance between magical and non-magical worlds. With a reclusive sorcerer and a mischievous sprite by her side, Tamsin faces magical challenges and dark forces seeking to reclaim Fyneshade's power. Griffin blends fantasy and mystery, creating an enchanting and suspenseful narrative with a richly detailed world. Reviews The best Gothic novel I've read in years - Laura Purcell, author of THE SILENT COMPANIONS. Dark, heady and bold, Fyneshade is a seductive treat, with a protagonist who is both wicked and irresistible. I was entranced from the first page to the last - Antonia Hodgson, author of THE DEVIL IN THE MARSHALSEA. Jane Eyre but with an icy heart... a dark, inventive story - Sunday Times.
Book Title - Fyneshade by Kate GriffinBook Genre - Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Mystery, MagicISBN - 9781788168748Number Of Pages - 384Publishing Date - May 18, 2023Cover Type - Paperback