"Finders Keepers" by Sabine Durrant is a suspenseful psychological thriller that follows the life of Verity, a woman who becomes entangled in a chilling game of cat and mouse with a mysterious stranger. When Verity discovers a lost diary on a beach, she becomes obsessed with uncovering the identity of its owner. As she delves deeper into the diary's secrets, she realizes she may have opened a Pandora's box that threatens everything she holds dear. Reviews The Guardian: "Sabine Durrant’s 'Finders Keepers' is a masterclass in suspense, with a plot that twists and turns like a labyrinth. The characters are brilliantly drawn, and the tension is palpable from start to finish. This is psychological suspense at its best." Kirkus Reviews: "Durrant’s novel is a gripping exploration of obsession and the consequences of digging too deep. Verity’s journey into the dark heart of the diary she finds is both compelling and unsettling. 'Finders Keepers' is sure to keep readers up late into the night." Publishers Weekly: "A chilling and atmospheric thriller that hooks you from the first page. Sabine Durrant navigates the complexities of trust and betrayal with finesse, crafting a story that lingers long after the final twist. 'Finders Keepers' is a must-read for fans of psychological suspense."
Book Title: Finders, Keepers - Sabine DurrantBook Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Psychological Thriller, CrimeISBN: 9781473681668Number of Pages: 368Publishing Date: April 13, 2021Cover Type: Paperback