Set in the 1970s, Secret Starling follows Clara, a lonely orphan raised by her tyrannical uncle in a dilapidated manor. After he suddenly disappears, Clara joins forces with Peter, an adventurous boy with secrets of his own. Together, they unravel the mysteries of Clara’s past, discovering courage, friendship, and belonging along the way. Eagle’s rich descriptions and compelling plot make this a delightful and memorable read. Reviews “A captivating adventure filled with twists, turns, and heartfelt moments.” — The Times Children’s Books “Judith Eagle combines mystery, humor, and heart in this enchanting tale.” — The Guardian “A must-read for fans of classic children’s literature with a modern twist.” — BookTrust
Book Title: The Secret Starling - Judith Eagle Book Genre: Kids BooksISBN: 9780571346301Number of Pages: 240Publishing Date: May 2, 2019Cover Type: Paperback