In Doors Open, Ian Rankin takes readers into a thrilling world of art heists and deception. Set in Edinburgh, the story revolves around Mike Mackenzie, a wealthy man bored with life, who teams up with two accomplices—a professor and a banker—to pull off a daring art theft during a "Doors Open Day." What begins as a meticulously planned crime spirals into chaos, as trust is tested, secrets unravel, and dangerous criminals enter the fray. Reviews “A blend of dark humor and horror, Kingfisher’s storytelling is perfect for fans of Southern Gothic horror.” — Publisher’s Weekly “Brilliantly creepy, unsettling, and unexpectedly funny.” — The Horror Review “Kingfisher expertly unravels a tale that’s both familiar and unnervingly fresh.” — Library Journal
Book Title: Doors Open - Ian Rankin Book Genre: Crime, Mystery, Fiction, Thriller, Scotland, ArtISBN: 9781409102014Number of Pages: 387Publishing Date: January 1, 2008Cover Type: Paperback