"Counting Stars" is a vibrant contemporary young adult novel set in the lively city of Liverpool. The story follows a group of young friends who have recently finished school and are embarking on the tumultuous journey of early adulthood. As they navigate new jobs, romantic relationships, and personal ambitions, they encounter the highs and lows of finding their own paths in life. Stainton’s engaging and heartfelt storytelling captures the essence of youthful exuberance and the challenges of growing up. Reviews Kirkus Reviews: "Stainton’s 'Counting Stars' is a heartfelt and engaging exploration of friendship and the journey to adulthood. Her vivid characters and relatable narrative make this a delightful read for young adult audiences." Publishers Weekly: "A charming and insightful novel, 'Counting Stars' captures the highs and lows of early adulthood with humor and sensitivity. Stainton’s well-crafted characters and engaging storyline make this a standout in contemporary YA fiction." BookPage: "Keris Stainton has created a relatable and emotionally resonant story in 'Counting Stars.' The novel’s exploration of friendship, love, and self-discovery is both compelling and poignant, making it a must-read for fans of contemporary young adult fiction."
Book Title: Counting Stars - Keris StaintonBook Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult, New Adult, Romance, LGBTISBN: 9781471404634Number of Pages: 324Publishing Date: September 1, 2015Cover Type: Paperback