Come Home Safe addresses the pressing issue of racial profiling and systemic injustice faced by Black youth. The story centers on siblings Reed and Olivia, who, after a confrontation with law enforcement, must navigate the traumatic aftermath and its impact on their family. The narrative delves into themes of resilience, community support, and the quest for justice in a society fraught with racial biases. Reviews "A poignant narrative that sheds light on the harsh realities of racial profiling and its ripple effects on families." "Buckmire's legal background enriches the story, offering a nuanced perspective on systemic injustices." "An essential read that fosters empathy and underscores the importance of societal change."
Book Title: Come Home Safe - Brian G. BuckmireBook Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Middle Grade, Realistic Fiction, Social Justice, Race, African American, TeenISBN: 9780310142188Number of Pages: 208Publishing Date: February 7, 2023Cover Type: Hardcover