"Caught" by Harlan Coben is a riveting thriller that follows the intertwining lives of three characters: a suburban teenager who goes missing, a TV reporter known for exposing sexual predators, and a social worker accused of a heinous crime. Wendy Tynes, the investigative journalist, sets up a sting operation to catch Dan Mercer, a social worker, in the act. However, when Mercer is killed, and the missing teenager's case grows cold, Wendy starts to unravel a complex web of deceit and hidden truths, leading her to question her own judgment and the true nature of the people around her. Reviews Kirkus Reviews: "'Caught' is a superb thriller that showcases Harlan Coben's talent for creating multifaceted characters and gripping narratives. The novel's exploration of justice, media, and personal responsibility is both timely and compelling. Coben's skillful pacing and plot twists make this a standout in the genre." Booklist: "With 'Caught,' Harlan Coben delivers a tightly plotted and emotionally charged story. The novel's mix of mystery, action, and social commentary keeps readers engaged from start to finish. Coben's deft handling of complex themes and moral ambiguity ensures that this book will resonate long after the final page."
Book Title: Caught - Harlan CobenBook Genre: Crime, Mystery Thriller, Suspense, Adult Fiction, ContemporaryISBN: 9781409179436Number of Pages: 400Publishing Date: January 1, 2018 Cover Type: Paperback