"Black Widows" is a thriller centered around the murder of Blake Nelson, a polygamist with three wives: Rachel, Tina, and Emily. Living in a secluded part of Utah, his sudden death puts the spotlight on his wives, each with secrets and complex pasts. The narrative explores themes of polygamy, religious cults, and the intricacies of the women's relationships as they become suspects in his murder. Reviews Kirkus Reviews: "This is a tale of secrets that intertwines suspense with profound character studies. Cate Quinn skillfully portrays the psychology of polygamy, crafting a narrative that keeps readers guessing until the end." The Guardian: "Quinn’s exploration of sister-wives and a murder mystery is original and deeply compelling. The characters’ struggles and revelations offer a haunting look at love and loyalty." The Times: "The tension in "Black Widows" is palpable. Quinn balances complex emotional arcs with sharp twists, making it a standout thriller."
Book Title: Black Widows - Cate QuinnBook Genre: Mystery Thriller, Crime, Suspense, CultsISBN: 9781409196976Number of Pages: 480Publishing Date: February 4, 2021Cover Type: Paperback