Betty is a poignant and raw coming-of-age story centered around a young girl growing up in rural Ohio during the 1960s. Betty Carpenter, born to a Cherokee father and a white mother, faces racism, poverty, and familial trauma while finding solace in the stories her father shares. The novel explores themes of identity, resilience, and the complexities of family, all told through Betty’s poetic and compelling voice. Reviews “Betty is an unflinching, beautifully written novel that captures both the brutality and beauty of life.” — The Guardian “Tiffany McDaniel writes with a poet’s soul, creating a narrative that is as harrowing as it is hopeful.” — The New York Times “A masterpiece of storytelling—Betty’s voice will stay with you long after the final page.” — Booklist “This novel captures the struggles of identity and belonging with exceptional depth and sensitivity.” — Kirkus Reviews
Book Title: Betty - Tiffany McDanielBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Coming Of Age, Contemporary Fiction, IndigenousISBN: 9781474617543Number of Pages: 469Publishing Date: August 18, 2020Cover Type: Paperback