"A Daughter's Journey" is a heartwarming family saga set in the 1940s in Birch End, a small English village. The story follows Jo, who returns to Birch End to care for her ailing mother and finds herself entangled in the lives of the villagers. As she reconnects with her past and navigates family secrets and community struggles, Jo discovers strength and resilience she never knew she had. Jacobs' novel is a touching exploration of family, love, and the enduring spirit of a close-knit community. Reviews The Daily Mail: "A warm and engrossing family saga. Jacobs' characters are relatable and her depiction of village life is charming." Lancashire Post: "Anna Jacobs delivers another heartwarming tale. A Daughter's Journey is filled with love, loss, and the enduring power of family." Booklist: "An engaging and emotional read. Jacobs' storytelling is both comforting and compelling, making this a perfect pick for fans of historical sagas."
Book Title: A Daughter's Journey - Anna JacobsBook Genre: Romance, Historical FictionISBN: 9781473677814Number of Pages: 368Publishing Date: August 22, 2019Cover Type: Paperback