Set in Jamaica, this multi-layered novel spans three decades, from the attempted assassination of Bob Marley in the 1970s through the drug wars and political chaos that followed. Blending fact with fiction, it presents a kaleidoscope of voices—from gang members to CIA agents—that captures the turbulence of Jamaican history and the consequences of power and poverty. Winner of the Man Booker Prize, the novel is notable for its raw language, intricate narrative, and vivid portrayal of violence and resilience. Reviews “A violent, ambitious masterpiece that brings Jamaica’s brutal history to life.” — The Guardian “A tour-de-force of narrative styles and perspectives; challenging but unforgettable.” — The New York Times “James presents a visceral journey through a harrowing chapter of Caribbean history.” — The Independent
Book Title: A Brief History of Seven Killings - Marlon JamesBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Crime, MysteryISBN: 9781780749761Number of Pages: 686Publishing Date: October 2, 2014Cover Type: Hardcover