We all have our comfort reads. But it’s a new year and it’s time for you to try something new and fun.
Join us on this reading challenge, called #FarFromMyTBR where you pick a book that you wouldn’t normally read, but are tempted to try.
And maybe, if you take even the tiniest step outside of your comfort zone, you might find that you can like more than one genre.
Lets add on to our notion of new year - new me!
What Do You Have To Do?
Pick a book you wouldn't have chosen before,
from one of your ABoS boxes
or order one right away!
Post a picture and tag your friends
so they can join in on the challenge
Use the hashtag #FarFromMyTBR so
others can see what you’ve picked up!
Haven't Found The Perfect Book To Start?
Here are some of our bestsellers to choose from