"The Maidens" is a psychological thriller that follows Mariana Andros, a group therapist in London who becomes obsessed with proving that Edward Fosca, a charismatic Greek tragedy professor at Cambridge University, is responsible for the murder of her niece. As Mariana delves deeper into the investigation, she discovers disturbing connections between Fosca and a secret society of devoted female students known as "The Maidens." The novel explores themes of obsession, grief, and the blurred lines between sanity and madness in a gripping and atmospheric narrative. Reviews The Guardian: "Alex Michaelides's 'The Maidens' is a chilling and intricately plotted thriller that keeps readers guessing until the final page. The novel's atmospheric setting and complex characters create a sense of unease and suspense that lingers long after the last chapter." Publishers Weekly: "In 'The Maidens,' Alex Michaelides delivers a riveting psychological thriller that explores the dark depths of obsession and grief. The novel's twists and turns keep readers on edge, while its psychological insights into the characters add depth to the gripping narrative." Booklist: "Alex Michaelides's 'The Maidens' is a masterful blend of suspense and psychological insight. The novel's evocative prose and atmospheric setting make it a compelling read for fans of psychological thrillers."
Book Title: The Maidens - Alex MichaelidesBook Genre: Mystery Thriller, Adult, Mythology, Contemporary, Crime, SuspenseISBN: 9781409181668Number of Pages: 368Publishing Date: June 10, 2021 Cover Type: Hardcover